While few care to admit it, just about every company has done some form of discounting. How do you do discounts, without getting the reputation of being a “discounter” (and also protect your margins)? Here are the rules: Avoid discounting at all costs. What this means in the real world is never offer a price […]
Two Ways to Charge More
Some people pay more for the exact same product or service than others do. There are many reasons for this. Sometimes you pay more for convenience (a case of beer is much cheaper at Costco than at a bodega). Other times you pay more because the service is better. In these cases, the buyer is […]
The Benefits of Focus
Who doesn’t want more business? Exactly. Everyone does. But trying to sell to everyone is a guaranteed way to overwork your staff, reduce your margins, and ensure that none of your customers will be raving fans. In my last post, I wrote about being proactive vs. reactive. When you are proactive, you have identified a […]
3 Reasons Why Bigger is Better
This is all about growing your business. (I’m not sure what you were thinking…) I’m here to tell you that for most people*, when it comes to your business, bigger is better. Here’s why: The bigger you are, the more money and resources you have to try new things. And at some point, you have to […]